To say that fans of South African director, Niel Blomkamp, eagerly anticipated Elysium would certainly not be an understatement. The success of District 9 certainly positioned Blomkamp as one of the top young upcoming directors in Hollywood, who has taken the industry by storm with new ideas and expansive worlds, as Elysium would showcase.
While District 9 served as an allegory for racism and
apartheid, Elysium is much more a metaphor of first world countries,
immigration and healthcare policies and the social issues surrounding it. We
are treated to a grim reflection on the state of our world through the veil of
a Sci-Fi extravaganza, making Elysium something much more than just a popcorn
Yet, Elyisum is so easy on the eyes, with amazing visuals
that will simply have you in awe and wonder. The CG work in Elysium is one step
above the rest, as the wonder and magnificent plant known as Elysium comes to

The characters in Elysium are certainly one-dimensional and
more often then not they come across as caricatures. There’s really no real
development, the rich are the villains and the poor are the heroes with no
intrinsic motivations attached to either.
This fault primarily derives from the films endeavor to protest
about the injustices in our world, rather than focusing on its own story. It
wags its finger at the world around it, yet it forgets to reveal how its world
got to this point; what do the inhabitants of Elysium feel about this whole
situation? Do they all turn a blind eye to the struggles of the earth? Are
there any members of the Elysium populace that are against the injustice of
this new world?
Although Elysium offers us many interesting ideas, it fails
to truly capitalize on the world that was created instead it focuses on giving
us a generic “one man saves the world” type-story.
While this is wont go down as one of Matt Damon’s greatest
roles, he certainly has fun with the material. On the other hand, South African
Star, Sharlto Copley, looks to cement his rising star in Hollywood, with yet
another memorable performance as the malevolent assassin, Kruger.

Elysium is by no means a perfect film, yet Elysium manages
to be a film with a brain that explicatively says something about the world we
live in while dazzling us with beautiful imagery and spectacular CG work. It’s
a fun entertaining film that stands head and shoulders above all the big Sci-Fi
films that have released this year and yet, it could have been so much better
than it was.
My Rating
Nowhere near as great as District 9, then again, what other sci-fi flick of the past decade really is?!? Good review.