Ryan Gosling, Josh Brolin, Anthony Mackie, Michael Pena,
Sean Penn and Emma Stone star in Gangster Squad, a film that looks to
reinvigorate the crime gangster genre that seems to be debilitated of late. No
while Gangster Squad is certainly one heck of an entertaining ride, it’s by no-way
a classic.

Ruben Fleischer, marks his third feature length film to
date, as he previously worked on the placid horror/comedy film, Zombieland, and
the less then stellar 30 Minutes or Less, directs the film.
Fleischer has managed to put together quite the amazing
cast, with Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Michael Pena, Nick Nolte, Giovanni Ribsi,
Robert Patrick, Emma Stone and Sean Penn who plays our big bad mobster, Mickey
Cohen in the flick, all starring.
The film is in an incredible position with its high profile
cast as well as some excellent cinematography, however the film suffers due to
jagged pacing as well as under developed characters.
The film plays out in less than two hours, yet there are
characters that were so thinly written there really wasn’t much that these
actors could do to emotionally invest the audience into the story or their
characters for that matter.

When the film has to sink into its softer moments, instead
of allowing the emotion to bubble over, it would seem that Fleischer, decidedly
chose to get through these moments as quick as possible to get back to
explosions, blood and bullets.
Much of the film is
focused on Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling who plays Sgt. John O’Mara and Sgt.
Jerry Wonders, respectively. The majority of the film is focused on these two
guys, and their tumultuous relationship. They really are the heart of the film,
as they both showcase why they are such great actors.
Everybody in the cast is quite fantastic however as the film
focuses on Gosling, Brolin and Sean Penn who does quite the good job of playing
a badass mobster, everyone else seem to have been an after thought.

While Gangster Squad tries to re-invigorate mob stories of
the 40’s and 50’s, by giving us this shiny polished film, it certainly won’t do
much to help the crime-Gangster genre.
Gangster Squad loses some of its substance as the film goes
along, as its all about its style, charm, swarve-ness and cool bravado, but it
lost the plot as to why films like The God Father and The Untouchables are the
classics that they are. With that being said, even though Gangster Squad is not
even close to being an immediate classic, its still an enjoyable ride and a
film that will keep you entertained.
Our Rating
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