the last decade we have seen a rise in sequels, prequels, reboots, and remakes,
however every once in a while we would get an original film that would become an
instant classic. 300, the film released in 2007, adapted by the Frank Miller
novel of the same name, was that kind of film, an instant classic with a
moderately small budget of $65 Million compared to $200 Million block busters
these days that would seem the norm, 300 was a real sleeper hit, grossing $462
Million at the box office.

After victory over Leonidas' 300, the Persian Army under the command of Xerxes
marches towards the major Greek city-states. The Democratic city of Athens,
first on the path of Xerxes' army, bases its strength on its fleet, led by
admiral Themistocles. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance with the
traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose might lies with its
superior infantry troops. But Xerxes still reigns supreme in numbers over sea
and land.
of an Empire is not really a sequel or prequel to 300, rather it’s an
almagamtion of a sequel, prequel and a spinoff film.
don’t expect to see much of the Spartans in this film, Rise of the Empire is
more concerned about the overall politics that surrounded the Persian and Greek
war at the time. The story opens itself much wider then 300 ever did, expanding
the story and going well beyond the confines of just the Spartans. We learn
more about the tensions between the Greek States and we learn how the calamity
between the Greeks and Persians started. We even get a little origin story on
the great god-King Xerxes himself.

while 300, ended with the deaths of the Spartans and then jumped one year later
to the battle of Plataea, Rise of an Empire deals with the situation that
arose right after the Persian made their way past the hot gates and into
of an Empire does a good job, of bridging the gap and sewing all these facets
of the story together, connecting it to 300 while establishing the importance
of the Athenians in this battle as well. However, the first act of the film
felt a bit jagged, as the film’s pace was contunously halted by flashbacks.
While the flashbacks do serve a purpose to expand the story, at times it just
felt like it distracted from present narration, to the point that unlike its
predecessor, there really wasn’t a build up to the first battle on sea.
film definitely does have its faults but its really entertaining. The film is
chocked full of cool action scenes and some gorgeous cinematography during
battle that would keep you smiling from ear to ear. Director Noam Murro, who
replaces Zack Snyder who co-wrote and produced the film this time around, knew
this is not going to be 300, so this time around he kept things light and
moving with frantic pacing and energy.

real fun of the film though, is seeing many of cast memebers from 300 return
for cameos or small roles, most notably Lena Headey and Rodrigo Santorro, who
return as Queen Gorgo and Xerxes respectively. Their appearance in the film
just leads credence to it and helps solidify this film.
Gorro is just spectacular in this film, as we get to see a different side to
her, one as a leader and warrior, she's ruthless, stern, devoted and so
wonderfully played Lena.
the film is fun and entertaining chocked full of blood guts and gore, the one
thing I really missed in the film was the Spartans. I missed there
boisterousness, wit and defiance. While the Greeks prove to be effective fighters they are plagued by doubt, misery and weariness at the task
at hand.
the Spartans weren’t in this film that much, it wasn’t that much of a concern.
What was a concern however was the fact that this film decided to play some of
the same narrative beats that we seen in 300. It just harms the film more then
it helps it, and makes it seem more of a poor B-Grade sequel rather then a full fledged high
budget blockbuster.
are many things about 300: Rise of an Empire that might not gel well with you,
but the overall film will certainly leave you entertained and possibly looking
forward to a third instalment especially since the Spartans would probably
factor into it again.
a film that has its faults, but when its works, it works brilliantly. It’s a
film for fans of the original film as it weaves together a story that respects
the original while adding more layers to it, which definitely adds to the lore
of 300 rather then take away from it.
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