Director David O. Russell brings yet
another brilliant film with this fast-paced, energetic, entertaining, amusing,
vivid, vibrant yet cautious tale known as American Hustle.

It must be noted that American Hustle is
actually a fictionalized tale of some true events that actually did happen.
Instead of just basing this film on the true events, O. Russell, gives himself
free reign by creating fictionalized situations and characters allowing his
story to be free from the constraints of facts.
This story opens itself and places right
into the minds of our three leading characters, Irving (Bale), Sydney (Adams)
and Richie (Cooper) as we soon discover their motivations and fears.
The performances in this film is nothing
short of enchanting, as each and every cast member is simply amazing these
The outstanding Christian Bale once again
put himself through a physical transformation as he gained a whole lot of
weight to play Irving, a sleazy looking con man, who is a lot smarter then he
looks and meticulous in his cons.

His wife Rosalyn, played phenomenally by
Jennifer Lawrence, is volatile, manipulative, erratic, capricious and
completely fuelled by passion. Rosalyn has a hold on Irving, they both want to
have this marriage end, but he can’t let go as she wont let him. She knows how
to push his buttons, she knows what keeps him coming back and she will tear his
world apart before he can let go.
Richie, played by splendidly Bradley
Cooper, is a young FBI agent who has something to prove, looking for a way to
fulfil his aspirations and desires. When he catches Irving and Sydney (Amy
Adams), his completely entranced by the idea of taking down bigger fish then
these two small fries. However, when he finds himself stumbling onto something
much bigger then he ever imagined. He soon finds himself taken in by power,
lust and desires of aspirations.
This is what makes American Hustle so
great. It’s a story about greed, lust, desire and the choice between right and
wrong. The film goes to great length to show us “good” people who do bad things
and “bad” people who do good things. It
plays with your moral compass throughout the film as you try and separate the “heroes”
from the “villains”. It blears the line
entirely allowing its own to be subjective and decide for themselves.

The film is smart, intriguing and
fascinating as the charisma of each actor and actress jumps out of the screen
bringing this spectacle to life. It’s a film that demands your attention and
keeps you focused in on it as takes you through each crevice, turn and triumph
in these characters present lives.
Overall American Hustle is a film that’s
filled with great performances, excellent writing, amazing directing and
cinematography. It’s really one film that’s exceptional as David O. Russell
gives us another wonderful, enchanting film that is well-balanced, well paced,
well written, well-acted and truly memorable film.
My Rating
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